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  Sitecore V5 Event
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We will achieve the same result with Sitecore V5 event:

  1. HandleSaved method of IItemEventHandler gets invoked on each item save in Sitecore V4. It corresponds to the “item:saved” event of Sitecore V5.
  2. “item:saved” event provides exactly the argument we need, that is Item that was saved. We will modify our handler method accordingly: 
// no need to inherit from the base class or implement any interfaces
public class CustomItemHandler
// using common event handler method signature
   public void OnItemSaved(object sender, EventArgs args)

// extracting the event parameter – in this case item that was saved

       Item saved
= Event.ExtractParameter(args, 0) as Item;

// Same logic we had in Sitecore V4, updated to use Sitecore V5 API

       using (new EditContext(saved))


            saved[“Title”] = saved[“Title”].Replace(“*”, “”);




then we subscribe our event handler to “item:saved” event in web.config  



   <event name="item:saved">

      <!-- notice the change between how type is described in V4 and V5 -->
      <handler type="CustomItemHandler, CustomItemHandler" method="OnItemSaved"/>




All other events are handled in the same way. If you have PublishHandler, you will need to subsribe to one of the “publish:begin”, “publish:end” or “publish:fail” events and use the provided Publisher to access the event data.

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